
Hercelot ハースロット
Hercelot is a solo project by Tatsuya Okamoto.
He was born in Tokyo in 1991. In his infancy, he assumed music was far from his own life. At the age of 14, however, he realized sequenced-sound FX can be music even without ordinary musical instruments or melodies. Then he started to collect sound FX files from some softwares and games and make music by himself.
He released "DJ Newtown (aka Tofubeats) - high-school girl(we loved)(Hercelot Remix)" (2009) on MALTINE RECORDS as his first work. Then he has made some single tracks, and two original albums, "Wakeup Fakepop" (2013) and "slowalk" (2017). As other works, he has co-writing tracks with Tomggg and Ollygon, the songs produced for Lyrical School and Antenna Girl, remix works for JAKAZiD, Yuigot, Yoshino Yoshikawa, PARKGOLF, Tokyo Girls' Style, Kikuo and so on...
It is difficult to explain his musicality from music genres. If it must be said, his sound is based on hiphop and breakbeats. He finds humor in trivial elements and an unbalanced construction of them. To express the kind of humor, he uses small fragments of samples, self-recorded toy sounds, domestic instruments and electronic beats.
As autonym: Tatsuya Okamoto, working at Korg Inc. and designed/demonstrated analog synthesizers and apps.
performance history 2024 10/06 暴力的にカワイイ 2024 (w/ Tomggg, yuigot) @青海R区画, Odaiba 06/25 一気呵成 @SPACE, Shinjuku 03/16 FFF @clubasia, Shibuya 2023 10/07 暴力的にカワイイ 2023 (w/ Tomggg, アンテナガール) @青海R区画, Odaiba 07/22 自然の中で起きている美しい現象すべてβ+ @WWWβ, Shibuya 07/09 一気呵成 @SPACE, Shinjuku 03/11 FFF @clubasia, Shibuya 2022 06/12 一気呵成 @SPACE, Shinjuku 04/09 三十路ナイト @MOGRA, Akihabara 03/19 FFF @clubasia, Shibuya 2021 10/09 暴力的にカワイイ (w/ Tomggg, アンテナガール) @ageHa, Shin-kiba 2020 11/21 暴力的にカワイイ (w/ Tomggg) @ageHa, Shin-kiba 11/07 FFF @clubasia, Shibuya 08/28 Posession @clubasia, Shibuya 08/22 sound house @GARAGE, Shimokitazawa 06/22 MOMENT RAVEROOM by MOMENTTOKYO @Twitch 05/24 LOUNGE NEO "LAST 17 DAYS" -BOUNCE UP x POOL- (w/ Redcompass) @Twitch 03/20 FFF @clubasia, Shibuya 03/14 @mou, Shimokitazawa 02/23 00 [ダブルオー] a la mode @club JB's, Sakae 02/05 after7 @OTO, Shibuya 01/26 暴力的にカワイイ (w/ Tomggg) @clubasia, Shibuya 2019 11/22 Cosmo's Midnight LIVE IN JAPAN (w/ 103i & Redcompass) @Glad, Shibuya 09/15 MALTINE RECORDS pres. CUBE (w/ Tomggg & yuigot) @UNIT, Daikanyama 07/05 富乃市 @Time Out Cafe&Diner, Ebisu 06/01 LENONADE MOON Release Party ‼︎ @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 05/06 BOUNCE UP (w/ 103i & Redcompass) @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 03/22 暴力的にカワイイ (w/ Tomggg & アンテナガール) @clubasia, Shibuya 02/28 マルチネ放送室β on @MAGNET by SHIBUYA 109 2018 12/28 DANCING da VILLAGE @clubasia, Shibuya 11/25 家だけにyeah (w/ Redcompass) @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 09/08 暴力的にカワイイ (w/ Tomggg & アンテナガール) @clubasia, Shibuya 08/18 超合法東京 (w/ yuigot) @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 08/12 Summer War Game Continue (w/ 103i & Redcompass) @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 06/09 AUDIO TWO @CIRCUS TOKYO, Shibuya 06/07 Different Directions (:D) @Time Out Cafe&Diner, Ebisu 05/30 Ableton User Group Bigakko 1969 @美学校, Jimbocho 04/14 NISHIKAWACCHI HOME PARTY @西川家, Fujisawa 03/24 DANCING da VILLAGE @clubasia, Shibuya 03/08 MALTINE SEED FLOOR @7th Floor, Shibuya 02/09 Sweets @BATICA, Ebisu 2017 12/23 暴力的にカワイイ2 @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 10/17 DE DE MOUSE special 5 hours @DOMMUNE, Shibuya 10/07 (w/ 103i & Redcompass) @終日one, Yoyogiuehara 09/16 パルTAMAフェス @パルテノン多摩, Tama 09/09 9oo9do @BATICA, Ebisu 06/11 暴力的にカワイイ @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 02/24 Rock oN Creative Gathering (w/ Yoshihiro Yamada) @Rock oN Company, Shibuya 01/26 MALTINE SEED STAGE 01 @CIRCUS TOKYO, Shibuya 2016 12/30 温泉 @蒲田温泉, Kamata 12/18 BOUNCE UP (w/ Redcompass) @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 10/29 YA3i pres. Time Machine 777 (w/ YUPPA(HNC)) @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 07/29 2.5d last 10 days @2.5D, Shibuya 07/17 Otherman Show x MEOW!!! @heavysick ZERO, Nakano 05/15 あの日の声を探して @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 05/03 平成in沖縄 @on, Miebashi 04/24 KORG デモンストレーター on M3 @TRC, Heiwajima 03/06 Space @MOGRA, Akihabara 03/04 Tominikha Undergrounded Fes. @BATICA, Ebisu 2015 12/30 温泉 @蒲田温泉, Kamata 12/23 三毛猫ポップフェス @Bullet's, Nishiazabu 11/29 家 (w/ Redcompass) @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 11/28 Sukima Tokyo @青山蜂, Aoyama 11/15 Honey Vol.10 @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 10/31 YA3i Halloween Party "JUNGLE GROOVE" @Glad, Shibuya 10/25 KORG デモンストレーター on M3 @TRC, Heiwajima 10/18 GOOFY 2nd Anniversary PARTY (w/ Redcompass) @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 10/10 Ryan Hemsworth Japan Tour 2015 @VISION, Shibuya 08/02 天 @UNIT, Daikanyama 07/23 DE DE MOUSE one-man "for 2EPs" @UNIT, Daikanyama 07/12 夏 の 終 わ り @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 05/09 comogomo @hisomine, Ohmiya 02/28 meow!!! × DOPE UP! @BE-WAVE, Shinjuku 01/28 ANDREWラウンジ @DUUSRAA, Shinjuku 2014 12/28 温泉 @綱島ラジウム温泉~東京園, Tsunashima 10/31 YA3i pres. 5th Anniv. HALLOWEEN Party "#GANGLAND” @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 10/11 sKILLupper x MALTINErecords presents “STAR” @2.5D, Shibuya 08/23 Sukimapolis 2 (w/ Redcompass) @青山蜂, Aoyama 08/02 The Otherman Show X -RAVE SAMURAI vs PARTY NINJA- @BE-WAVE, Shinjuku 06/27 HAPPY HARD RAVE @club asia, Shibuya 05/30 UNIKE -5th Anniversary- @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 05/05 東京 @LIQUIDROOM/KATA, Ebisu 04/26 FOGPAK #6 Release Party (as Charred Comp80) @2.5D, Shibuya 04/06 ウェディング・セレモニー -The Wedding Mistakes "Virgin Road" Release Party- @KATA, Ebisu 04/05 SPIN.DISCOVERY-Vol.1- @Le Baron de Paris, Aoyama 02/10 Seiho & Obey City "Way Cool Winter Tour 2014" @UNIT, Daikanyama 2013 12/20 山 @WWW, Shibuya 12/18 metropolis SP (as Charred Comp80) @Solfa, Nakameguro 11/17 Harley & Quin pres. TECHNOPARTY @BE-WAVE, Shinjuku 11/12 JOYNT @Module, Shibuya 11/09 ええじゃないか -2.5周年だから狂喜乱舞- @2.5D, Shibuya 11/03 UNIKE @clubasia, Shibuya 11/02 ya3i girls pre. Halloween Party @ever, Aoyama 10/27 BASS UP (w/ Redcompass) @LOUNGE NEO, Shibuya 09/27 キャッキャウフフ @UNDER DEER LOUNGE, Shibuya 09/22 STRLabel+usomitaina-records ストリーミングライブ @Studio Revival, Ogikubo 09/14 FOGPAK x TREKKIE TRAX x INS @QUETZAL, Sapporo 09/07 ウィンドウズ1999 @OTO, Shinjuku 09/06 bo en "pale machine" Release Party @2.5D, Shibuya 08/18 Maltine Records x DPZ「クラブイベント」 @SECO, Shibuya 08/17 Seiho ABSTRAKTSEX Release Party @UNIT, Daikanyama 08/10 Lunamoth ~Summer Special~ @YCU, Yokohama 07/28 Culture Milk Vol.11 @OTO, Shinjuku 06/09 Idiot Pop "TOY POP"+"EXWORLD" Release Party @BATICA, Ebisu 05/29 Alchemy @OTO, Shinjuku 05/18 2.5d 2nd Anniversary (w/ Redcompass) @2.5D, Shibuya 05/18 2.5d 2nd Anniversary (w/ Yoshino Yoshikawa) @2.5D, Shibuya 03/11 Smart Sound at Solfa vol.3 (w/ Redcompass) @Solfa, Nakameguro 02/23 Sukimapolis (w/ Redcompass) @青山蜂, Aoyama 01/14 Poleporeception @地下一階, Minamisemba 2012 12/29 大ネットレーベル祭 @WOMB, Shibuya 12/14 ハブマン Ustream @Studio Revival, Ogikubo 11/03 Waseda festival 2012 (w/ Daiteng) @Waseda Univ. 10/27 YA3i* GiRLS pres. Halloween Party 2012 @Hell's Bar, Sangenjaya 08/22 metropolis pres. "discopia" (w/ Redcompass)@Saloon, Daikanyama 08/19 ゆうだち @Ever, Aoyama 08/18 bpm 2012 @heavysick ZERO, Nakano 07/14 ビビット・ビット @Sazanami, Shibuya 07/08 WCS @Waseda Univ. 07/07 SONGS vol.1 @WOMB, Shibuya 06/22 玄関先 vol.5 @Sabaco, Waseda 05/25 KTL vol.5 @barnoTbar, Fuchu 05/19 REPUBLIC Vol.9 @WOMB, Shibuya 04/25 WCS @Waseda Univ. 04/08 WCS @Waseda Univ. 03/22 metropolis vol.7 1st Anniversary @Bullet's, Nishi-Azabu 02/25 異レギュラー vol.5 @DAYTRIM, Shinsakae 02/15 玄関先 vol.3 @Sabaco, Waseda 2011 12/28 玄関先 vol.2 (w/ Redcompass) @Sabaco, Waseda 12/11 The Otherman Show #6 @Acid Panda Cafe, Shibuya 11/07 Waseda festival 2011 @Waseda Univ. 10/28 YA3i* GiRLS pres. Halloween Party 2011 @Hell's Bar, Sangenjaya 10/20 Music Inn @Sabaco, Waseda 09/13 玄関先 vol.1 @Sabaco, Waseda 09/10 アンコネ3 -Underground Connection- @MOGRA, Akihabara 09/10 ハブとマングース @heavysick ZERO, Nakano 08/15 tahiti's 21st BD @Hell's Bar, Sangenjaya 07/14 DOIT:BREAK @2.5D, Shibuya 05/21 WCS @02cafe, Waseda 05/19 WCS @Waseda Univ. 05/17 Radiator @Sabaco, Waseda 05/15 Sunday Special @heavysick ZERO, Nakano 05/04 FASHION HELLS @Hell's Bar, Sangenjaya 04/03 The Youngman Show (w/ yumiwo) @Acid Panda Cafe, Jiyugaoka 02/15 Radiator @Sabaco, Waseda 01/30 OSFE1.5 48h DJ Relay @Mizuhodai House 2010 12/24 ni.spectr @Sabaco, Waseda 11/12 THE☆荒川智則 @UNIT, Daikanyama 11/06-07 Waseda festival 2010 @Waseda Univ. 10/17 WCS @Sabaco, Waseda 09/18 WCS @Waseda Univ., Waseda 06/20 WCS @Waseda Univ., Waseda 05/03 秋葉原電力祭 -MOGRA×電力レーベル- @MOGRA, Akihabara 03/31 (w/ yumiwo) @VoiceFactory, Shimokitazawa 2008 11/03-05 KOMAROCK FESTIVAL 08' (w/ yumiwo) @Komaba H.S., Univ. of Tsukuba thank you all audiences, organizers, staffs and costars.